Showcase of Scripting Language Final Project

Here is a showcase of our final product for Pusaka Beruang’s e-commerce website. Take a look below!

Screenshot (18)

For our project, the work distributions are as follow:

  1. Adam (myself) : CMS stuff
  2. Alvin : Designing the user interface
  3. Steven : Manage the shopping cart


This video below is a promotional for Pusaka Beruang


Youtube Video

You can edit this ad by going editing the index.php file or opening /images/exampleAd.gif

[Projects] Scripting Language Final Project Proposal



For our Scripting Language’s final project, my group, that consists of me, Alvin Fransiscuss and Steven Tjandra, will be modifying a website. The website is given to us randomly. The design has been created by the design students and we the CS students have to create the back end processes and add some aesthetic touch if it is considered kurang.

The website that were given to us were Gevenova Sidney Perizada’s. The design itself is very good, quite like a commercial grade website.

What I think we are going to modify other than the back end will probably the font. There are some of them which are a little bit too small like the one below,




and I found that on some other pages, the writings are too tight.



For the back end process, we will add some e-commerce functionalities such as:

  • Standard Sign Up / Login
  • Shopping Cart
  • [Other functionalities to be added]

This will wrap up my proposal for the final project. I hope we will do great work.


Thank you


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